CinePedia, a flagship once-in-a-semester publication and the mouthpiece of CinemaScope, has always been the most-sought-after and long-awaited milestone magazine for Media Studies and Journalism students at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) as a premier platform to speak their minds and share their thoughts and experience on filmmaking. To explore more on the cinematic universe, the theme for the Spring 2022 term’s CinePedia edition has been set as “The World of Children’s Cinema”.
In this edition, our intellectual writers have disclosed the untouched world of children’s cinema in order to understand the variables in cinematic experience through their insightful stuff. The key reason we chose this theme was to ensure that cinema is not only for adults and it has a prime role in the upbringing of a high-tech generation. The entire edition has been designed with various forms of children’s cinema, reviews of some of the world’s all-time best movies made for children sans frontiers, and understanding the importance of cinema on children’s life and beyond.
As the editor of this current CinePedia issue, I believe it will be an eye-opener for the parents, guardians and the new generation of filmmakers to create more and more movies that will help today’s children have a better life tomorrow. Our fellow film enthusiasts will come to know that there is a whole world of filmmaking that can be a good reason for a greater society.
All our efforts and endeavours have paid off with a successful ending with the help of our beloved adviser Nandita Tabassum Khan ma’am and our honourable chief adviser Jude William R Genillo. Without their unflagging support, it would not be possible to complete this edition of CinePedia. Special thanks are due to our instructor Zahid Gogon sir for his guidance on completing the write-ups. I mustn’t be a typical miser in thanking the writing team for their wonderful skills and expertise, passion and enthusiasm along with their patience of tolerating me for a whole semester. And finally, a vote of thanks to the CinemaScope executive team as well.
In sum, it was a happy experience and a really wonderful odyssey for me to be the editor of this prestigious publication. Yet, in all honesty, I apologise in advance for any mistake I ever made in this strenuous journey. May CinePedia grow and always be the most prominent platform of sharing cinematic thoughts for the students of ULAB. May CinePedia live longer!